
Published Researches

1. Water in the Glorious Qur'an: A Study in Geographical Thought , Al-Ustath Journal , College of Education, University of Baghdad, No. 27, 2001.

2. An Evaluation of the Impact of Icy Melting on the Volume of Direct Surface Flow of the Euphrates Riverbed; An Applied Study, Journal of the Iraqi Geographical Association, No. 52, 2002.

3. An Analysis if the Spatial Links between the Sloping Factor and the Quantity of Water Discharge of the Euphrates Riverbed, Journal of Humanities and Economic Sciences, Al-Anbar University, No. 140, 2004,

4. An Analysis of Natural Controls in Sulaimaniyah governorate and Their Impact on Military Operations, Al-Fatih Journal, Diyala governorate, No. 30, 2007.

5. Climatic Water Balance in Sulaimaniyah governorate: A Climatic Quantitative Study, Journal of the College of Arts, University of Baghdad, No. 371, 2007.

6. Modernization of Geography and Its Characteristics after modernization. Journal of the Iraqi Geographical Association, 2007.

7. An Evaluation of the Effect of Feeding Serwan Riverbed Water on its Monthly Discharge by Using a Quantitative Analysis Method, Journal of Kirkuk University, Humanities Studies, Vol. 4 No. 2, 2009.

8. Bioclimatic Features of Qanaqin City Region (A Climatic Quantitative Study), 5th Scientific Conference of Diyala University, College of Education, 2009.

9. A Geographical Analysis of the Investment Quantity of Groundwater in Shahrazoor Plain, 6th Scientific Conference of Diayla University, Al-Asma'ee College of Education, 2010.

10. Strategic Steps and Suggested Solutions for the Development of the Departments of Geography, published research paper delivered at a symposium on the development of the curricula of geography departments in Iraqi universities: 27-28/10/2010, Al-Kufa University, College of Arts.

11. Classification of Earthly Units in Kalar Region: A Geomorphologic Study, Journal of the Iraqi Geographical Association, No. 65, 2011.

12. An Evaluation of the Underground, Windy and Rainy Power in Khanaqin Region (A Study on Geomorphologic Processes), Diyala Journal for Humanities Research Papers, No. 49, 2011.

13. Food Security in Diyala Governorate between Reality and Truth, published research paper, Scientific Conference of Kufa University, College of Arts: 1-2/3/2011.

14. Range of Population Ages in the Glorious Qur'an, 5th Scientific Conference of Wasit University, College of Education, 2012.

15. Soil Water Balance and Its Relationship With Agricultural Production (Sulaimaniyah governorate as an example for study) , Journal of the College of Arts, University of Baghdad, 2012.

16. Effect of Drainage Water in Kalar City on the Pollution of Serwan River Water, Journal of the Iraqi Geographical Association, 2012.

17. Locational Analysis for Constructing Cartographic Samples of Sand categories and their capability for Agriculture in Kirkuk Governorate by Using (GIS). Eighth International Conference of Geo-Tunisia 2014.

18. This article studies the morphometric characteristics of the Tanjaro river basin (garmyan university) an academic and scientific journal issued by Garmyan university. NO 5 Year 2014.

19. Geographical Division of the Earth Layers in Qaradagh Area. Journal of University of Garmian. Vol 5. 2014.

20. Morphometry of Smaqoly Valley Lake; a Practical Geomorphologic Study. Journal of Raparin University, 2015.

21. Morphometric Specifications of Zhazhawa River. Journal of Raparin University, 2016.

22. Identification of the Capacity of Wind and Rain in Khanaqin Area; a Practical Geomorphologic Study. Iraqi Geographic Association Journal. 2010.

23. Source Identification of Drinking Water of Sirwan River (Diyala) On Monthly Average (Using Quantitative Analysis Approach). Journal of College of Education, Diyala.

24. Impact Identification of Drainage in Kalar on Water Pollution of Sirwan River. Iraqi Geographic Association Journal, 2012.

25. Levels of Zhazhawa River Pollution because of Generators in Kalar and their Consequences. Journal of University of Garmian. Vol 15, 2017.

26. The Levels of Noise Polution Due to the Private Generators on the Future Facilities in Rizgary by Using (GIS). Journal of University of Garmian. Vol 15. 2017.

27. Geomorphologic Assessments of Morphometric Features of Dhaqan Valley Lake by Using (GIS). Journal of Al-Mustansryah University, college of Education 2018.

28. On-Ground Water Pollution and Its Impact of Human Health (Chamchamal District as a sample). Diyala University (29/03/2018).

29. Natural Features of Garmian Geography. Journal of University of Garmian. Vol 12. 2017.

30. Quantitative and Qualitative Assessment of Underground Water in Sewsenan Subdistrict. Journal of Nawroz University 2019.

31. The Way of Predicting the Size of Water Flow of Dried Lakes; Pungala Valley as a Sample. The Journal of University of Sulaimani, 2019.

32. Water Assessment of Alwand River and its Validity for Different Uses. University of Garmian 2022.

33. Determining the Most Suitable Place for Dam Construction in Said Sadik District by Using (GIS). Journal of University of Garmian. Special Issue 9.

34. Cartographical Presentation through Using (RUSLE) to Measure Soil Water Removal in Tuasuran Watershed. Journal of University of Garmian. Vol 8. 2021.

35. Assessment of the Impacts of Geometrical Hazards on Using Landa (Chaqan Valeey as a sample). Journal of University of Garmian. Vol 2. 2020.

36. Activity Assessments of Tectonic Processes of the Flows of Small River from Dalga to Ranya Dam. University of Raparin 2022.

37. Role OF Irrigation in Water Needs in Exploiting Farm Lands in Qaradagh District, Iraq. Plant Archives. Vol 20. Supplement 2, 2020.

38. Happening Earthquakes and its impacts on Sulaimani governorate (from 2014 to 2018)

39. Merit of Water in Holy Quran; a Study from Geographical Perspective. Al-Ustath Journal. College of Education/University of Baghdad. Vol 27. 2001.


Participation in Conference

1. Scientific Seminar on (Origin of the Kurds)/College of Arts /Qanaqeen City

2. Scientific Seminar on (Environment Pollution)/College of Arts /Qanaqeen City

3. Scientific Seminar on (Geography of Voting)/College of Arts /Qanaqeen City

4. Participation in a course on (Planning & Developing the Sight)/Dortmund University /Germany in coordination with Balqaa' University /Amman /Jordan.

5. Participation in Conference held by the Ministry of Higher Education & Scientific Research /Kurdistan Region on ( The New System of Education).

6. Participation in the 1st Conference /Kirkuk University /College of Education 2009.

7. Participation in the 5th Conference /Dyala University /College of Education 2009.

8. Participation in the 6th Conference /Dyala University /College of Education/Al-Assma'ee 2010.

9. Participation in the 5th Conference /Kufa University /College of Arts -2010.

10. Participation in the 5th Conference /Kufa University /College of Arts -2011.

11. Participation in the international conference in Tunisia entitled (Seventh International Conference of GeoTunisia) held in South of Hamamat on (08-12/04/2013)

12. Participation in the first international conference of university of Garmian entitled (Towards a Brighter Future for Garmian) on (18/04/2013)

13. Participation in the international conference in Tunisia entitled (8thInternational Conference of GeoTunisia) in (2014)

14. Participation in the international conference in Iran at Science University/Shiraz in 2017